The newly remodeled Granada theater was open for tours this morning, so we decided to start there. I didn't realize the Farmer's Market would have a bunch of stuff for the kids, so we decided to stop there first. It was great! and so much fun for the kids.

They had the zoo docents out with some animals.

And a fun train for the kids to ride.

Pumpkin bowling!

Went over to the Granada Theater for a tour.

It is amazing the work they had done. I have seen it several times in the past few years and it was literally falling apart and dripping with water. Today, it is a gorgeous theater. I can not wait to see what kinds of things they do in here.

Lots of beautiful detail work.

They were showing an old movie.

Check out their link to see pictures of the theater from days past. (cut and paste link)
Next we went next door to the Sweet Granada for a treat.

We went to Hartford for our trip. We stopped first at the Burgess Marsh trail.

We walked out on the marsh and the kids had fun exploring.

Mom really wanted to see a snake. So she was down in the marsh trying to scare one up.

None came out!
BUT, mom and Gavin did find a very large snake skin.

After our hike, we drove around the marsh for awhile. Guess what we found?

Gavin to checking to see if it is alive.

It wasn't. But they were excited to find a snake!

Next was lunch at the European Bakeshop. See my previous posts for lots of information on this place. A real french bakery in the middle of Kansas!

Brenna enjoying a cinnamon roll.

Gavin eating a freshly made cream puff.

Mom and I each got chicken salad sandwiches and they were very good!
Next, we went to the Flint Hills Wildlife Refuge. This is a state park and a very nice place. We went to the Indian Hills Loop. We came to a clearing that we had wanted to explore last time and decided to get out. Mom said, "it looks pretty muddy." And I said, "so?"
Gavin climbing a tree

The river.

It turned out to be very very muddy. Mom and I were sinking nearly every step. At one point, I was sinking about a foot with every step and ended up losing a shoe! Luckily Brenna got it for me. Needless to say, we all got a bit muddy.

The area is beautiful though. We didn't see nearly as many cranes as we did last time, but still saw quite a few cranes and other wildlife.

About 30 sec after I took this picture, we became totally lodged in deep thick mud. And it wasn't our feet that were stuck this time. It was the truck. I had gone off on a back road and I think both mom and I thought we were going to be stuck for quite some time. We could NOT get out. Both dad and Zack were out of town, so my mind was trying to figure out what the heck we were going to do. And we are out in the boonies. Luckily, after much strategizing, we finally got out. I had to back out down the road, and the family followed.

Some of the pretty scenery from the refuge.

Last time we had driven the entire loop, but this time, one of the ponds had crossed the road! After our experience earlier, there was no way I was going to try to cross!!

So the kids jumped out and we let them run around and play before we turned around.

As muddy as we already were, Brenna managed somehow to get that much muddier.

All in all, it was a GREAT day!

Oh... I wish I had been there! What a day!
Love the pics. You should have got a photo of talking to me while out in the boonies! :)
Love the pics. I absolutely love the second to the last one.
Missing you all...
PS-I've checked the site several times tonight waiting for a post, I just knew you'd have to post tonight after talking to you about your adventures.
Oh... I wish I had been there! What a day!
Love the pics. You should have got a photo of talking to me while out in the boonies! :)
Love the pics. I absolutely love the second to the last one.
Missing you all...
PS-I've checked the site several times tonight waiting for a post, I just knew you'd have to post tonight after talking to you about your adventures.
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