Zack had great grandparents who were Jews from Poland who came to the US as young adults. I love learning about other cultures and family history so it has been a real blessing that we get to learn more about the Jewish culture with my in laws. My mother in law does a great job of incorporating some traditions throughout the year for some of the Jewish holidays. I love the kids getting to participate in something unique about their ancestory.
Here is Brenna helping me make a honey cake. This recipe is from Zack's great grandma. I believe it is traditional for Rosh Hashana, but is eaten at other holidays as well.

Grandma Bev roasting the chickens

Latkes. Yum. Latkes are potato pancakes.

Cooked apples. Double yum.

A chanukah feast my friends. Delicious. This is challa (jewish bread, pronounced hallah), roasted chicken, sweet glazed carrots, latkes and cooked apples.

Here are the kids enjoying the meal. You can tell that Gavin is really enjoying it by the mess that he has all over his face!

Bev helping the kids light the candles. It was the first night. There is a prayer that is said while lighting the candles and Bev has the kids repeat after her. Isn't this a great tradition for the kids to take part in? It is something I think they will have many memories of as they get older.

Trying to say the prayer in Hebrew!

This is a youtube video of another kid learning the prayer! I thought this was pretty cute.
Grandma Shirley. Her parents were the immigrants from Poland.

It is also traditional to play dreidel at Chanukah but Gavin forgot to bring his! I had bought him one last year that he got to paint on. We will have to remember for next year.
So precious....
I'm so glad they have that rich heritage!
Why do I so often leave your blog hungry? ;-)
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