I was intrigued with the mint and it really got my creative juices flowing. I am not a tea drinker and wasn't really interested in cooking lamb. So after some searching, I decided upon ice cream! How can you go wrong?? So I making some fresh mint chocolate chip ice cream as we speak. I will report back on the progress! After cooking it down it had a lovely subtle mint flavor so I think it will be good.

I looked up some recipes for the chard but decided to just incorporate with the buttercrunch for my salads this week. The broccoli I will just serve with dinner some night.
The scallions were a bit of a stumper too. If you know anything about me, you know that I detest onions with a white hot passion. So I probably will not use the white parts of the scallion, unless I throw them in a stir fry or something where I can cook them down. I decided to make some cheddar garlic biscuits and incoporate the green part of the scallions. So I will be doing that sometime this week.
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