Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We had a lot of fun this year on Halloween. Brenna went to school as a "present". It was her idea and it turned out really cute.

Her class

Gavin was dracula...and very spooky

Brenna's present costume got really old really fast after walking all around campus in it! They walk all around ESU and get tons of candy during the day! So we had to switch up pretty fast for trick or treating around the neighborhood. She had worn the black sweats for the present costume, so we took some of mom's black eyeline and Voila! she was a kitten!

The kids were old enough this year to do some trick or treating in our neighborhood by themselves, which was really fun. They got lots of candy and had a great time!

1 comment:

Tina Michelle said...

THey are so cute! I love the present costume.