Here they are in the "forrest". Sumre has some great landscaping in her new yard.
The kids enjoyed helping with the wrapping paper. Actually "helping" might not be the best word. They enjoyed playing with it!
Afterwards, Sumre and her boyfriend took us to one of their favorites restaurants. It is a steak place, and they remind you of that with a big old cow in the front!

When we were heading home, we decided we would take the "scenic" route home. When Zack suggested that, I thought he meant the scentic byway that goes to Alma. That sounded great to me! But no, he meant just turning off on some county road! We ended up on these tiny, windy roads. With steep hills up and down. It was a blast!! And totally gorgeous. Zack and I have been itching to explore the land outside of Manhattan and it was well worth it. We came to lots of cross roads and just picked one and went with it. So neat.
There are lots of stone buildings in this area.

Here is another..
Some scenic shots..

We met this bad boy along the way. It was definitely the closest I have ever been to bull and it was very intimidating! I didn't zoom in or anything. We were very close!

We ended up connecting with the scenic byway after criss crossing through the country side and ended up going through two small towns, Alma and Eskridge. I wish we would have had some time to look around, but it was getting late. Alma is a great little town and there was quite a crowd at a little ice cream shop downtown. It was very "Small Town on a Saturday Night".

It took us 2 hours to get home, but it was so much fun! Nice to roll the windows down and meander through the Flint Hills. Brenna loved sticking her hand out the window. She said, "momma, the wind is holding my hand!" This picture pretty much sums the trip up.

I absolutely love your blog site. Looks like this was a fun day. I can remember doing the same with my Daddy and Mom, so Zack, it must run in the genes. We used to do the same with Grandma & Grandpa Pierce. They had a hood ornament on their Plymouth (a ship of course). Ask Grandpa where we were going, we were following the ship. Daddy used to say going crazy. Huggs to all!!!!
Oh.... How fun!
Grandpa would be VERY proud! :)
I LOVE the pic with Brenna sticking her head out the window and saying the wind is holding her hand.
Let's definitely try to set a day aside for Flint Hills adventures when I come out!
Love you! Tell the kiddos hi for me and give them a great big hug!
I second that about the picture of Brenna. I love it!
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