Thursday, May 15, 2008

Using our produce

So yesterday at our first CSA pick up, we got some romaine and red sail lettuce as well as some rhubarb. I love eating salads, but I really want to find ways to use the produce that the kids will enjoy! So the kids and I brainstormed how we could use the lettuce. One of the kids recommended using them in a smoothie. Now, I know that sounds gross, but we have used spinach in our smoothies for quite sometime, and you really can't taste it at all! So I took just a couple of leaves, and threw them in with the frozen berries, bananas and milk. They tasted great and you couldn't taste the lettuce. Gavin has also took a sandwhich to school today with some lettuce on it. He doesn't normally eat lettuce on his sandwhiches, so I was afraid he wouldn't like it. But he said he loved it and he "gobbled it up".

They were very excitied about making some rhubarb pie. I had found some other rhubarb recipes I wanted to try, but they were stuck on the pie and I did know it would be easy to make. I found a recipe on and Brenna and I made it together. I have never worked with rhubarb before, so I was expecting it to be difficult to wash or prep, but it couldn't have been easier! Why haven't I used this before??

Here are the kids anxiously awaiting the pie to be done. Yes, Gavin purposefully made sure his butt was in the picture.

Here is our finished product. Isn't it pretty?

We happened to have some vanilla ice cream too which was nice. It was piping hot, (Zack found out the hard way) but I thought it was good!

So the verdict is:

Produce: Rhubarb
Recipe: Rhubarb pie
Dad: couldn't taste much after he scorched his mouth
Mom: Delish
Gavin: LOVES!
Brenna: did not like

Produce: Romaine/Red Sail
How we are using: sandwiches, smoothies
Dad: hasn't tried yet I don't think
mom: smoothie tasted great, hasn't had sandwich
Gavin: loved his smoothie and sandwich
Brenna: protested loudly at mom throwing lettuce in her smoothie but reports she couldn't taste it at all! She keeps reminding me that she does *not* want any lettuce on her tacos tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Gavin:that first pic is good (u no the whole world could c that pic if they wanted 2!!) HA! HA! HA!

Anonymous said...

The silly smile on Gavin's face is the BEST!