Thursday, May 22, 2008


Tonight I used a new recipe that I had found to use the spinach we got in our CSA share. Spinach fritters. Seemed like an interesting and easy way to use spinach. And kid friendly. They were very much like a "spinach pancake". One of the neighborhood kids was here and said that she had never tried spinach because it was gross. So I let her try one and she said it was pretty good!

They were pretty plain and didn't have a lot of flavor. Which is a good kid thing, right?
I had no idea what to entree to make with spinach fritters, but I wanted to make chicken parmesan sometime this week. Last week I had bought some homemade bread from Amanda's Cafe and used the leftovers to make bread crumbs this weekend. I thought chicken parmesan would be a good way to use up those bread crumbs. It was the first time I had made real chicken parmesan (I have a really good not real recipe if anyone wants it!). Zack was thoroughly impressed that I had made it from scratch, so I didn't want to tell him it was pretty easy. I would like to point out that we are eating whole wheat pasta even though it doesn't look like it! (which is a good kid thing too!)
The fritters ended up being a great thing to eat with chicken parmesan since it was so saucy. We dipped the fritters in the sauce and they were a good substitue for garlic bread.
Brenna was pretty irritated when she found a spinach pancake on her plate. But she ended up saying she really liked them! Well, "except for the green parts of course" (she said with a full mouth).
Prodcue: Spinach
Recipe: Spinach Fritters
Dad: "eh"
Mom: plain on their own, but good with sauce to dip in. What do I do now with 15 leftover spinach pancakes?
Gavin: "Awesome!"
Brenna: "Good"

1 comment:

Megs said...

"Awesome!" - such a typical Gavin response. :)

They definitely sound interesting! Have you tried the Barilla Plus pasta? I love it! And it's got omega-3 and protein which is nice. Plus, it taste normal! :) It's my fav....

The leftovers could be good dog biscuits.... :P