Tuesday, May 20, 2008

5/20 CSA

Tonight was our second farm pick up. Last time I was just kicking myself the whole time that I didn't have my camera. I was so excited to bring my camera this time! Camera in car...check. New batteries in camera...check. Memory card in camera.....whoops! So I only got a few pictures....but I guess that gives us an opprotunity to post some new ones next week! We like to keep you guessing I suppose!

Chicks that are one week old

They will move to the grass when they are about 3 weeks old I believe. Farmer John says they all fall asleep at the same time until one chick will wake up and wakes up the rest of them. I could relate to that!

Here are the "layers". Chickens who lay eggs. We just missed them gathering the eggs.

Here we are walking through the garden. Scallions, radishes, lettuces and broccoli are growing here.

Hanging out with the sheep. They are set to be sheared in a few weeks and Farmer John said the kids could come out to watch.

This was our produce that we got this week. (my mom and I split a half share so this actually a quarter share). Radishes, spinach, and red sail lettuce. I also bought some eggs this week. I don't think I have ever had a radish, so it will be fun to look for different ways to use them.


Megs said...

Heather... remember your memory card next time!
So exciting to see the pics though.
Maybe I'l lbe able to go with you guys when I come home this summer!

Anonymous said...

awwwwwww those baby chickys r soooooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!! I wish i had farm animals!!!!