Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tonight Dad invited the kiddos to go on a bike ride while mom cooked dinner. Mom was happy to cook in peace and quiet (and actually took a power nap before cooking!) We bought a trailer for our bike so that Brenna could ride along. The big wheel just wasn't keeping up!

So Brenna prepared for her ride by getting a bowl of grapes and a bottle of water, because you know, being pulled along on a bike ride is exhausting!

They ended up going on a 4 mile bike ride! Apparently during the bike ride, Brenna said to Dad, "I am really tired!" They came back happy and ready to eat! Mom was well rested and dinner was nearly ready, (oh except for the fact that we had stale taco shells so Dad had to run to the store!)


Megs said...

love the pic!

Sounds like a great evening at the Lake house.

Anonymous said...

Brenna:love the SUNGLASSES!!!