There is a very noticable difference between the taste of these fresh blueberries compared to blueberries from the store. The kids have been nibbling on them all week. Today I made a double batch of blueberry pancakes. The intent is to have some to freeze. But I am not sure we are going to have many left of freeze!
Freezing pancakes is a great way to have fast easy breakfasts. You just take them out, microwave them for 30 sec or so and you have nice hot pancakes in a flash! I also do the same thing with french toast (prepare a whole loaf of bread and after they have cooled, just put them right back in the bread bag for easy storage!) and muffins.
Look at those nice plump blueberries!

I have also put blueberries in my oatmeal. Yum!

1 comment:
All the feedback we have gotten from those who purchased the blueberries has been wonderful. Everyone who comments has indicated that if they had known how big and delicious these fresh blueberries were, they would have ordered more. Several people did order large amounts to freeze. Some made jelly, jam, or marmalades. Most told us they couldn't make as much as they planned, because they kept eating them out of the bowl like candy!
We picked up 150 lbs. of blueberries for local area customers and shareholders, and based on the comments received, we expect our order to more than double for next year.
It has been a berry good year for berries, due to the timely rains all season long.
We began picking blackberries today here at Shepherd's Valley, and the berries are HUGE, juicy, sweet, and delectable. CSA Shareholders will be getting LOTS of blackberries over the next 4 weeks, so be prepared to make some blackberry syrup to go over some homemade ice cream. And blackberry jam, and blackberry cobbler, and blackberry pancakes, and . . .
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