Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fall Activities have begun!

Isn't it weird how this year we went straight from summer to fall with no transition at all? I keep thinking that the sun is going to come out again, but fall seems to be sticking! I am kind of excited about it actually. I kind of like the nice cool weather.

Last night Gavin started football practice which was fun. It is a developmental team, but the coaches were really motivated and seemed excited to be there.

Tonight the kids both started church. In the Spring and Fall our church has about a 6 week Wed night program that they enjoy going to. I usually go to an adult bible study at the same time, but I decided to go to the grocery store tonight! I was kid-free! It was awesome!

Brenna starts ballet tomorrow which we are all excited about! I will be sure to post some pictures!

Tonight I had a wonderful dinner, but didn't get a picture of it. My camera was out of batteries and I was too excited to eat it. I made steel cut oatmeal and cooked some apples. I had a nice hot steaming bowl of oatmeal with carmalized apples and walnuts. Uh, YUM!!!! It was awesome. Some day..and probably some day soon, I will dedicate an entire post to my love of oatmeal. It is a little unnatural how much I love oatmeal!!


Megs said...

I am SO SO SO SO SO excited about Brenna starting ballet. But just as equally devastated that I won't be there... Please take lots of pictures and videos so I can feel like I was there!

And yes, you definitely have an abnormal love for oatmeal....

Anonymous said...

Sounds yummy. I'll have to have a bowl tonight. :)

Megs said...