8 years ago, Zack and I went up to Topeka early in the morning to be induced. I was 10 days post due. They gave me some medicine to help start my contractions. Then I went to the Olive Garden for lunch while we waited for the show to start!! Went to the mall afterward for some heavy duty walking. Went back to the Birth Center for some more medication and the contractions came on hard and heavy in the afternoon. After doing that all day and having no progress we were sent home. I was exhausted!
We got to our hotel and I could not sleep through the pain. It was getting worse and worse. After being there about an hour, I told Zack I had to go back. We went back and the real deal was in full swing. I got in the big hot tub and tried to deal with the contractions! At some point, the midwife checked me while I was in the tub and said, "oh, he is about to come out!" So I got out, laid down on the bed and about 3 pushes later, he was laying on my chest. I was shocked!!!! And relieved that it was over.
Our family had gone home when we were sent home, so they got an early morning phone call telling them that Gavin was on his way. Grandma Shirley gave him his first bath. It was wonderful showing him off to everyone. He was so beautiful. I remember that the first people I asked to come back to the room to see him were my mother and mother in law. I was so proud to show them their grandson.

I had him at 5:15am and we left the birth center before lunch time and came back to our home. My Grandpa Carl came over to see him. It was wonderful seeing them together.
I remember just constantly staring at him and being in awe that he was there and that he was mine.
Gavin, you are one of the greatest people I have ever known. And I am proud to call you my son. I was born to be your mother. You are the best of me.

Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!! I'm balling right now.......
Heather I am so proud of you as a mother. It's so amazing to be part of this journey and watch as your family has grown.
I'm so proud of Gavin too, he is most incredible little man I've ever had the privilege to know. He has a huge chunk of my heart and always will. I love that boy so much!
I was soooooo sad to not be there today. I can't believe our little Gavie-Pooh is 8 years old! He sure is growing up....
Love you guys!
Happy B-Day Gavin. Wow, time flies.
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