Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sept 17th

Tonight Zack, Brenna and I went to an ESU volleyball game. Our babysitter who came into our home this summer is on the team. It was really fun and interesting to watch. I didn't know much about the rules, but Zack did a good job explaining! The team they were playing is very good and ranked like number 2 in the nation. And ESU won!! Brenna had fun and after the game Kristen made a point to come and visit with her. Brenna has decided that she wants to be a volleyball player like Kristen when she grows up!

I made a black bean salad tonight. I am going to take it to work to eat for lunch. I had a few bites and I really liked it. I will share the recipe tomorrow if I decide I really like it! It is a health food bonanza! Black beans, avocado, peppers, tomatoes.....

I heard a radio program the other day about "plant based diets" and it really struck a cord with me. That type of diet has always made sense to me and I enjoy eating a plant based diet! But unfortunately, I am not good on following through with it! So I have decided to focus on the FAMILY eaing a plant based diet and blog about it. Makes it more interesting!! So I will hopefully be talking about that more in the next few weeks.

1 comment:

Megs said...

It makes SO much sense,
but I'm horrible at following through with it too.

Excited to keep reading your post on it.